Pembagian Waris Dengan Cara Bergilir Dalam Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam
division of inheritance, rotation, compilation of islamic lawAbstract
Background. There is division of inheritance by way of rotation. The
procedures for the implementation of inheritance by rotation need to
examining from the Compilation of Islamic Law.
Aim. This study aims to the provisions of the Compilation of Islamic
Law in regulating the problems of inheritance and it implementation.
Methods. The method used in this research is field research with a
qualitative approach.
Results. The procedure for implementing inheritance at the Attahdzib
Islamic Boarding School is done by dividing the proceeds from the
inheritance in rotation between one heir and another. Implementation in
this way is in accordance with the Compilation of Islamic Law article
183, namely the distribution of the inheritance based on the agreement
of the heirs after the heirs know their respective shares.
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