من مشكلات المعنى في علم الدلالة والمعاجم
Permasalahan Makna dalam Ilmu Dalalah
Grammar, SemanticsAbstract
Abstract: The term 'ilm al-dilalah or semantics in Indonesian and semantics in English, comes from the Greek sema (noun) which means sign or symbol or semanio (verb) which means to mark, signify, or symbolize. In other sources, it is stated that the word semantics comes from the Greek, semantice, the muannats form of semanticos, which means to show, interpret, or to signify. The linguistic dictionary provides the definition of semantics, (1) The part of language structure that is related to the meaning of expressions and also to the structure of speech meaning. (2) systems and investigations of meaning and significance in a language and language in general. Semantics is a part of grammar which includes phonology, grammar and semantics. Semantics is defined as the science of language that studies meaning. In Arabic, 'ilm-ad-dilalah consists of two words: 'ilm, which means knowledge, and al-dilalah, which means designation or meaning. So, 'ilm al-dilalah according to language is the science of meaning.
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