eJournal At-Tahdzib Institute adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh LP3M STAI At-Tahdzib, yang berfokus pada kajian ilmu-ilmu sosial dan humaniora dengan akar dalam nilai-nilai Islam. Menerima artikel-artikel dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu, seperti studi Islam, pendidikan Islam, sosial, budaya, ekonomi, hukum, politik, dan filosofi. Artikulasi dari perspektif Islam, nilai-nilai etika, dan kemanusiaan menjadi fokus utama dalam setiap penelitian yang dipublikasikan.

eJournal At-Tahdzib Institute menjadi platform yang penting bagi para akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi untuk berbagi hasil penelitian dan pemikiran terbaru dalam rangka memperkaya literatur ilmiah, terutama di bidang studi yang berkaitan dengan Islam dan nilai-nilai keilmuan.


  • Jurnal At-Tahdzib

    Journal title At-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah
    Initials At-Tahdzib
    Frequency Two issues per year
    DOI Prefix 10.61181 
    Online ISSN 2503-1929
    Print ISSN 2089-7723
    Editor-in-chief Ali Audah
    Managing Editor Muhamad Taufiq Firmansyah
    Publisher LP3M STAI At-Atahdzib, Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar| Garuda 
    At-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah is an academic journal that focuses (not limited) on in-depth studies on Islamic studies and muamalah (economic and social aspects of Islam). This journal aims to facilitate scientific discussion and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Islamic religious sciences and the application of sharia principles in economic and social life. Improve understanding of Islamic theory and practice in a modern context. Encourage high-quality research in the field of Islamic studies and muamalah. Provide a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share knowledge and experiences.
    At-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah covers various aspects of Islamic studies, including history, tafsir, hadith, fiqh, and contemporary Islamic theories. Research examining the development of Islamic thought and its application in modern society is also a major concern. Articles discussing the principles of Islamic economics, trade law, sharia financial management, and business ethics in an Islamic context. This includes studies on sharia-compliant economic practices as well as challenges and innovations in this field.
    At-Tahdzib: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Muamalah publishes articles in English. The article acceptance process is carried out through peer-review to ensure high quality and scientific contribution. Published since 2013 every March and September by the Institute for Research, Development and Community Service (LP3M) of the Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia.
    For more information about the latest edition, author guidelines, or access to articles, contact the editorial team via the email listed (contact).
  • Ats-Tsaqofi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam

    Ats-Tsaqofi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam is an academic journal that focuses on education and management in the context of Islam. This journal serves as a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to share research, findings, and innovative ideas related to Islamic education and the management of Islamic educational institutions. Published periodically twice (June and December) in a year by LP3M STAI At-Tahdzib Jombang since June 2019.

    e-ISSN 2686-5289
    p-ISSN 2686-5270

  • J-Mabes: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah

    Journal title J-MABES: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah
    Initials J-MABES
    Frequency Two issues per year
    DOI Prefix 10.61181 
    Online ISSN 3031-8602
    Print ISSN 3032-5544
    Editor-in-chief Ilyas Nurul Azam
    Managing Editor Asyarurahim
    Publisher LP3M STAI At-Tahdzib, Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
    Citation Analysis Google ScholarGaruda 

    J-MABES: Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Studi Ekonomi Syariah published in October 2023. Contains studies of Management, Accounting, Business, Sharia Economic Studies and scientific fields. In accordance with the writing regulations, it is published twice (April and October) a year and the publication of research studies on sharia economics, sharia business, accounting, management and other sciences as a scientific responsibility and embodiment of the Tri Darma of Higher Education. Published by the Research Institute for Development and Community Service (LP3M) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Thadzib (STAIA) Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia.

  • Tarsib: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI

    TARSIB: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses (not limited) on critical studies of basic education. Contains the dynamics of learning at the elementary or madrasah ibtidaiyah level and focuses on developing studies of basic education problems. This journal is published by LP3M STAI At-Tahdzib Jombang. Tarsib The PGMI Study Program Journal is published every April and October of one year.

    e-ISSN 3046-806X
    p-ISSN 3046-8264

  • Jiluna Arabiyah: Jurnal Bahasa Arab dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

    Jiluna Arabiyah: Jurnal Bahasa Arab dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is a Peer Reviewed journal that focuses (not limited) on Arabic Language Education and Arabic Literature. This journal is published by LP3M STAI At-Tahdzib Jombang Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, Indonesia every June and December, as a scientific responsibility and embodiment of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

    e-ISSN 3032-4831
    p-ISSN 3032-5048

  • Al-Mawaddah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Hukum Keluarga (Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah)

    Al-Mawaddah: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Hukum Keluarga (Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses (not limited) on critical studies of Islamic studies and family law. Contains research results, surveys, academic works and focuses on the development of studies on family law issues. This journal is published by the Institute for Research, Development and Community Service (LP3M) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib (STAIA), Rejoagung, Ngoro, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. Published every June and December in one year as a scientific responsibility and the embodiment of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.

    e-ISSN 3063-1793
    p-ISSN 3063-430X

  • Ihsanniat: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Ihsanniat: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mempublikasikan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh para akademisi, praktisi, dan mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat. Jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mendokumentasikan dan menyebarluaskan berbagai program pengabdian yang berfokus pada peningkatan kualitas hidup masyarakat, baik dalam aspek sosial, ekonomi, pendidikan, maupun keagamaan. Jurnal Ihsanniat terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun (Mei dan November), Diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian Pengembangan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP3M) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam At-Tahdzib Jombang.